Class Template Argument Deduction(CTAD)




November 25, 2024

Function Template Argument Deduction.

Its super-helpful to have a good low-level hang of the template argument deduction rules (more on deduction guides in another post). Essentially, since C++17, you can just declare, std::vector{1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0} - clean and nice instead of std::vector<double>{1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0}.

When the compiler tries to deduce the template arguments, it performs matching of the type template parameters with the types of arguments used to invoke the function.

Very succinctly, the compiler can match: - Types of the form T, T const, T volatile - Pointers T*, lvalue references T& and universal references T&& - Arrays such as T[5] and C[5][n] - Pointers to functions - Pointers to member-functions and data-members.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <chrono>
#include <tuple>

using namespace std::chrono;

template<typename T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const std::vector<T> vec){
    for(int i{0}; i < vec.size(); ++ i){
        out << "\n[" << i << "] = " << vec[i];
    return out;

struct BondDiscountingCurve{
    std::vector<std::pair<year_month_day,double>> discountFactorCurve;

struct CustomBond{
    std::vector<double> cashflows;
    std::vector<std::chrono::year_month_day> cashflow_dates;

    double pv(BondDiscountingCurve disc){
        double result{0.0};
        for(int i{0};i < cashflows.size(); ++i)
            double df = std::get<1>(disc.discountFactorCurve[i]);
            result += cashflows[i] * df;
        return result;

struct Leg{
    // A cashflow is a 4-tuple (Cashflow date, Cashflow amount, Cap, Floor)
    using flow = std::tuple<year_month_day, double, double, double>;
    std::vector<flow> flows;

struct AssetSwap{
    Leg bondLeg;
    Leg fundingLeg;

    Leg getBondLeg() { return bondLeg; }
    Leg getFundingLeg() { return fundingLeg; }

template<typename T>
void process01(T bond){ std::cout << "T\n"; }

template<typename T>
void process02(T const){ std::cout << "T const\n"; }

template<typename T>
void process03(T volatile) { std::cout << "T volatile\n"; }

template<typename T>
void process04(T*) { std::cout << "T*\n"; }

template<typename T>
void process04(T&) { std::cout << "T&\n"; }

// Universal reference
template<typename T>
void process05(T&&) { std::cout << "T&&\n"; }

template<typename T>
void process06(T[5]) { std::cout << "T[5]\n"; }

template<typename T>
void process07(T[3][5]) { std::cout << "T[3][5]\n"; }

template<typename T>
void process08(T(*)()) { std::cout << "T (*)()\n"; }

template<typename T>
void process08(CustomBond (*)(T)) { std::cout << "C (*)(T)\n"; }

template<typename T, typename U>
void process08(T(*)(U)) { std::cout << "T (*)(U)\n"; }

template<typename T>
void process09(T(CustomBond::*)()) { std::cout << "T (C::*)()\n"; }

template<typename T, typename U>
void process09(T(CustomBond::*)(U)) { std::cout << "T (C::*)(U)\n"; }

template<typename T, typename U>
void process09(T(U::*)()) { std::cout << "T (U::*)()\n"; }

template<typename T, typename U, typename V>
void process09(T(U::*)(V)) { std::cout << "T (U::*)(V)\n"; }

template<typename T>
void process09(Leg(T::*)()) { std::cout << "C (T::*)()\n"; }

template<typename T, typename U>
void process09(Leg(T::*)(U)) { std::cout << "C (T::*)(U)\n"; }

template<typename T>
void process09(Leg(AssetSwap::*)(T)) { std::cout << "D (C::*)(T)\n"; }

template<typename T>
void process10(T CustomBond::*) { std::cout << "T C::*\n"; }

template<typename T>
void process10(Leg T::*) { std::cout << "C T::*\n"; }

template<typename T, typename U>
void process10(T U::*) { std::cout << "T U::*\n"; }

int main()
    CustomBond bond(
        {0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 1.05},
        {2024y/June/20d, 2024y/December/20d, 2025y/June/20d, 2025y/December/20d}

    AssetSwap assetSwap;

    process01(bond);    // T
    process02(bond);    // T const
    process03(bond);    // T volatile
    process04(&bond);   // T*
    process04(bond);    // T&
    process05(bond);    // T&&; deduced as CustomBond& 

    CustomBond bondsArray[5] {};  //Create an array of custom bonds
    process06(bondsArray);  // T[5]
    process06(&bond);       // T[5]

    CustomBond bondsByMaturityAndRating[3][5] {}; 
    process07(bondsByMaturityAndRating);    //C[5][n]

    CustomBond (*funcptr1)() = nullptr;
    CustomBond (*funcptr2)(int) = nullptr;
    double     (*funcptr3)(int) = nullptr;

    process08(funcptr1);    //T(*)()
    process08(funcptr2);    //C(*)(T)
    process08(funcptr3);    //T(*)(U)

    double (CustomBond::*ptrmemfunc1) () = nullptr;
    double (CustomBond::*ptrmemfunc2)(BondDiscountingCurve) = &CustomBond::pv;
    std::vector<double> (Leg::*ptrmemfunc3)() = nullptr;
    double(AssetSwap::*getLegPv)(Leg) = nullptr;
    Leg(AssetSwap::*ptrmemfunc4)() = &AssetSwap::getFundingLeg;
    Leg(Leg::*applyScaleToAllCoupons)(double) = nullptr;
    Leg(AssetSwap::*applyFixedSpreadToAllCoupons)(double) = nullptr;

    process09(ptrmemfunc1);     // T(C::*)()
    process09(ptrmemfunc2);     // T(C::*)(U)
    process09(ptrmemfunc3);     // T(U::*)()
    process09(getLegPv);        // T(U::*)(V)
    process09(ptrmemfunc4);     // C(T::*)()
    process09(applyScaleToAllCoupons);          //C(T::*)(U)
    process09(applyFixedSpreadToAllCoupons);    //D(C::*)(T)

    return 0;

Compiler Explorer

CTAD (Class Template Argument Deduction).

The basic mechanics.

CTAD(Class Template Argument Deduction) has \(2\) phases:

  1. Deduction (CTAD) - The first step is, the compiler is going to deduce the types that you didn’t write.

  2. Initialization - The second step is, it’s going to initialize the object.

Let’s take a templated class pair, this is just a fictional class, it is not actually how std::pair<> looks like:

template<typename T, typename U>
struct pair{
    T first;
    U second;

    pair(const T& _first, const U& _second) 
    : first(_first)
    , second(_second)

    pair(T&& _first, U&& _second) 
    : first(std::move<T>(_first))
    , second(std::move<U>(_second))

    //other stuff

This is an oversimplification that is enough for our purposes. So, you have a templated class with two template parameters T and U and then you have a bunch of constructors. Now, we want to instantiate one of these things:

pair p1{"OptionVolQuote"s, 0.50};

You want to construct an object of type pair. The next thing the compiler sees is, pair is a template. And we didn’t specify any template arguments. Probably, you wanna do class template argument deduction.

The next thing happens. pair has a bunch of constructors. Probably, you wanna call one of those constructors. And this where step 1 kicks in, which is the actual Class Template Argument Deduction(CTAD).

So, how does the compiler figure out, what you actually want to instantiate? So, it’s going to look at those constructors. Let’s pretend for a minute, that those constructors are ordinary functions - just free-standing functions. Now, these functions use class template parameters. Let’s pretend for a moment, that those template parameters are template parameters for the function.

template<typename T, typename U>
struct pair{
    T first;
    U second;

    // Imagine this to be a function template
    template<typename T, typename U>  
    pair(const T& _first, const T& _second) 
    : first(_first)
    , second(_second)

    // Imagine this to be a function template
    template<typename T, typename U>
    pair(T&& _first, U&& _second) 
    : first(std::move<T>(_first))
    , second(std::move<U>(_second))

    //other stuff

So, this code doesn’t exist. It’s just what the compiler temporarily does for you. And it generates these template functions from the constructors and they are called the deduction candidates.

And now, if we have a call like this:

pair p1{"OptionVolQuote"s, 0.50};

we know, how to deal with functions right. So, it’s going to look at these functions and apply the usual template arguments deduction and the usual overload resolution.

"OptionVolQuote"s is a lvalue that gets converted to an xvalue (by the std::string() constructor) and 0.50 is a prvalue. these arguments bind to universal references. So, the pair(T&&, U&&) version is chosen by the compiler from the overload set, during overload resolution. Further, T is deduced as std::string and U is deduced as double. The compiler literally inserts them as:

pair<std::string,double> p1{"OptionVolQuote"s, 0.50};

Then, its going to do, what it would have done, if you would have written pair<std::string,double>. So, now we know, that this pair is actually pair<std::string,int>. So, the step 1 is done.

Now, what we can do is, we can actually instantiate the function template! That’s step 2. So, you have an actual constructor and it will be called by the run-time to create an object of pair<std::string,int>. And we are done.

If we write:

const auto s{"5YSwapRate"s};
const auto rate{0.0125};
pair p2{s,rate};

Here, s and rate are identifiers, so these are glvalues and can bind to const T&. So, the compiler instantiates the first overload of the constructor as pair(const std::string&, const double&).

There’s no need to use std::make_pair anymore. This make_pair thing is a basically a work-around for the fact that up until C++14, you could only do this with functions. So, you had to use a function to deduce the class template arguments. So, it was kind of hacky. And now we don’t need to use that anymore.

The same goes for std::tuple, you can instantiate a std::tuple with a bunch of arguments and it’s going to deduce the correct types for you, so you don’t need to use std::make_tuple anymore.

std::tuple point{1.00, -1.00}

Let’s look at std::vector. So, for example, if you just give it an std::initializer_list of ints, its gonna correctly deduce back to std::vector<int>.

std::vector v{3, 5, 7, 11, 13};
// deduces std::vector<int>

Of course, with std::vector, there’s a trap. std::vector has this other constructor which takes a std::size_t, and it initializes a vector with that many elements in it.

std::vector<int> v1{3};
// content is {3}

std::vector<int> v2(3);
// content is {0,0,0}

So, in C++14, if you write std::vector<int> v{3} with curly braces, it’s going to be an initializer list, so its going to initialize the vector with one int, which is 3. If you std::vector<int> v(3) with parenthesis, it’s going to call the size_t constructor, and you’re gonna have 3 ints, which are initialized to 0.0.

Now, what happens if you omit the int and use class-template argument deduction? Then if you write the curlies, its going to do the deduction. But if you use round parenthesis, it says, well you’re calling the constructor that takes a size_t, so you are going to have 3 elements, but 3 elements of what type? You didn’t specify! So, you get a compiler error.

std::vector v1{3};
// Ok- deduces std::vector<int>, content is {3}

// std::vector v2(3);
// Error : 3 elements of what?

std::vector has another constructor, which is really cool! Now, some real magic happens here! So, if you have a range of ints, any range, then there’s this constructor that takes a pair of iterators like begin() and end() and if you don’t specify the int, it is still going to figure out, that those iterators are iterators to int range and it is going correctly deduce std::vector<int> for you.

std::vector range{2, 3, 5, 7, 11};
std::vector v(range.begin(), range.end());
// deduces std::vector<int>

How does that work? It has this constructor which looks like the below. It takes two iterators.

template<typename T>
struct vector
    // range c'tor
    template<typename Iter>
    vector<Iter begin, Iter end> { /* ... */ }

    // other stuff

If you have a constructor that also has template arguments, the compiler is going to pretend that this is a function and it’s going to take the template argument of the class and concatenate it with the constructor’s template argument. It’s going to put them one after the other.

// This is magic code, generated by the compiler
template<typename T>
struct vector
    // range c'tor
    template<typename T, typename Iter>
    vector<Iter begin, Iter end> { /* ... */ }

    // other stuff

Now, if you call it like this:

std::vector range{2, 3, 5, 7, 11};
std::vector v(range.begin(), range.end());

it’s going to say, well okay, you are giving me two iterators, so I can deduce the type of iterators as std::vector<>::iterator. But, you didn’t specify T, so I still don’t know what T is. So, how is it able to figure this out?

Deduction Guides.

This is another feature called deduction guides. When the compiler can’t figure out, with this machinery, what the type is, but it is kind of obvious to you, what the type should be, you can write a deduction guide.

template<typename T>
struct vector
    // range c'tor
    template<typename Iter>
    vector<Iter begin, Iter end> { /* ... */ }

    // other stuff

// deduction guide:
template <typename Iter>
vector(Iter begin, Iter end) 
    -> vector<typename Iter::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type>;

std::vector range{2, 3, 5, 7, 11};
std::vector v(range.begin(), range.end());

It starts with something that looks like a constructor signature, and then you have this arrow -> and after the arrow, you put like a specialization of the same class. So, you are gonna say, well, if you have this constructor signature (which will be added to the deduction candidates), and if this is the one that is going to be selected by the compiler, then deduce the type after the arrow (->). So, this is like a new entity in C++17. It’s not a class, it’s not a function, it’s a deduction guide.

With that deduction guide, basically you’re saying, well, if I get two iterators, then take the iterator traits, figure out the value type which this iterator points to and initialize the vector with that type. And that works and compiles.

So, this compiles, but actually the order matters. Deductions guides are only considered for the code that is below the deduction guide.

So, if you flip around the order:

template<typename T>
struct vector
    // range c'tor
    template<typename Iter>
    vector<Iter begin, Iter end> { /* ... */ }

    // other stuff

std::vector range{2, 3, 5, 7, 11};
//std::vector v(range.begin(), range.end());
// Error: deduction failed

// deduction guide:
template <typename Iter>
vector(Iter begin, Iter end) 
    -> vector<typename Iter::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type>;

then it’s not going to work anymore.

One thing that’s really a good recommendation, is that these deduction guides are really part of the class interface. Because they tell you, you can instantiate this class template like this, so deduction guides should be defined immediately after the class definition.

List initialization has priority

You really have to be careful with the parenthesis and the curlies.

std::vector range{2, 3, 5, 7, 11};
std::vector v(range.begin(), range.end());
// deduces std::vector<int>

std::vector v{range.begin(), range.end()};
// list initialization has a priority, so the compiler deduces it
// as std::vector<std::vector<int>::iterator>, which is 
// probably not what we want

Sequence Containers

CTAD works the same with all the other sequence containers.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <deque>
#include <array>
#include <forward_list>

int main()
    std::list l{2, 3, 5, 7, 11};
    //deduces std::list<int>

    std::forward_list fl{2, 3, 5, 7, 11};
    //deduces std::forward_list<int>

    std::deque d{2, 3, 5, 7, 11};
    //deduces std::deque<int>

    std::array a{2, 3, 5, 7, 11};
    //deduces std::array<int,5>
    return 0;

Compiler Explorer

With std::array<T,N> it also deduces the size for you. We are going to see later, how that works. They also have these range constructors except for std::array<T,N>.

std::vector range{2, 3, 5, 7, 11};

std::list l(range.begin(), range.end());
// deduces std::list<int>

std::forward_list fl(range.begin(), range.end());
// deduces std::foward_list<int>

std::deque d(range.begin(), range.end());
// deduces std::deque<int>

// also, the same pitfall - don't use curly braces

Then, there is std::set. std::set also has both of these constructors. But, std::set also has more stuff. You know, std::set has this external template parameter which is the comparison function, so you can specify your own comparator lambda. And that’s a template argument. But, the cool thing is, std::set also has a constructor, that takes this comparator as a template argument and it can deduce that as well. So, we can actually write something like this:

std::set s({2, 3, 5, 7, 11}, [](int a, int b){return a > b;});

Notice that you don’t have to pass the type of the lambda bool (int,int), the compiler will automatically deduce it for you.

Locks and Mutexes.

One of the most popular use-cases for CTAD is mutexes. When you have long type names like std::shared_timed_mutex mtx and then if you had to lock it, you had to specify this thing: std::lock_guard<std::shared_timed_mutex> lock(mtx). With C++17, you don’t have to do that anymore:

std::shared_timed_mutex mtx;
std::lock_guard lock(mtx);
// deduced as std::lock_guard<std::shared_timed_mutex>

Smart Pointers.

This is one of the prime examples, where class template argument deduction can be dangerous and damaging. Let’s say you have a struct Citizen with some constructor. And, then you want to create a Citizen instance dynamically on the heap. You would maybe expect to write:

struct Citizen{
    Citizen(std::string prefix, int serial_number);

// std::shared_ptr sptr(new Citizen("THX",1138);
// Error! No CTAD

auto sptr = std::make_shared<Citizen>("THX",1138);

You give it a pointer to this dynamically allocated Citizen object, and then you think it’s going to work. But, that fails and for good reason! It’s specifically disabled. So, you’re back to using make_shared<T> again. The same with std::unique_ptr<T>.

// std::unique_ptr sptr(new Citizen("THX",1138);
// Error! No CTAD

auto uptr = std::make_unique<Citizen>("THX",1138);

It’s not going to the deduce the type T; you have to use make_unique<T>.

There’s good reasons for this. First of all, make_shared<T> has exception safety built in. If for some reason, the constructor fails and throws, then you are not going to leak memory.

Secondly, if you have an array, and you pass it to a constructor, it decays into a pointer. If you had class-template argument deduction smart-pointers, you could write like that:

// std::unique_ptr uptr(new int[10]);
// if that would compile, uh-oh!

A pointer to an array would decay to a pointer to an int for you. When the pointer goes out of scope, the destructor of std::shared_ptr calls delete on sptr and not delete[].

This is definitely a bug! We don’t want people to be able to use CTAD here.

We would like to disable CTAD. Now, the question is how do we disable it? How do we make sure that it doesn’t work.